What is Gel-One?
Gel-One Hyaluronate by Zimmer-Biomet is an injectable hyaluronate gel approved for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee that does not respond to other conservative treatments. It is the first low-volume viscosupplement available in a single-injection formula. Unlike other viscosupplement treatments, highly purified Gel-One Hyaluronate requires only 3mL for safe, effective and complete treatment with no reports of pseudo-sepsis (severe acute inflammatory responses) in the pre-market clinical study.
Who should receive Gel-One?
This treatment is indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to non-pharmacologic therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or simple analgesics like acetaminophen.
Who should not receive Gel-One?
Those who are allergic to hyaluronan products, cinnamon, or products from birds such as feathers, eggs, and poultry should not receive Gel-One Hyaluronate and should speak to their orthopedic surgery team about these allergies. Gel-One injections should not be given in areas of a skin disease or infection.
Gel-One Hyaluronate has not been tested to show pain relief in joints other than the knee and for conditions other than OA. Gel-One Hyaluronate has not been tested in patients who are pregnant, mothers who are nursing, or anyone under the age of 21. Strenuous or prolonged weight-bearing activities after treatment are not recommended. The effectiveness of repeat treatment cycles of Gel-One Hyaluronate has not been established. The side effects most commonly seen after injection of Gel-One Hyaluronate in the clinical trial were knee pain, swelling, and/or knee effusion. These reactions are generally mild and do not last long.
Not all insurance companies cover the cost of Gel-One Injections, consult your healthcare provider for insurance requirements and coverage. It is common to require pre-certification from your insurance company to ensure the injection from your provider is covered. If you are interested in getting a Gel-One injection, please let you healthcare provider know when setting your appointment to allow for time to get this prior approval.
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