Hip Arthroscopy Post-Operative Instructions

Surgery Time
30-45 minutes
Hospital Stay
Approximately 5 hours.
This is an outpatient procedure and rarely do you have to stay overnight.
Average Total Recovery Time
1-2 months
Two or three 1-inch incisions
Possible Complications
Infection, nerve damage, circulatory damage, anesthesia risk.
Before Being Discharged
- Make sure you void before leaving the hospital, especially men.
- Make sure your drain and IV are removed.
Weight Bearing
You will be weight-bearing as tolerated and will be provided crutches for help with pain control and stability. Most patients stop using crutches 2-3 days after surgery.
After 48-72 hours you may remove your dressing, shower, clean incision with alcohol, and apply dry bandages.
If you have steri-strips under your large bandage you may remove them in 5-7 days.
Your prescription will consist of a pain medication, usually Norco or Percocet. Phenergan or Zofran may also be given for nausea, if needed. You may resume your anti-inflammatory medicine your Post-Op Day 1. Begin weaning off narcotics as soon as possible.
You may drive 2-10 days post-op if you did not have surgery on your right hip. You cannot be on narcotic pain medication to drive. You must be able to press the gas pedal and apply brakes safely.
After surgery Dr. Bramlett will either tell you to ONLY walk for exercise OR he will tell you to do the following exercises.
Post-Op Day 1
- Begin abduction exercises. Standing up and holding on to a counter, move your operative leg up to the side and back. Do this slowly 5-20 times, as tolerated three times daily.
- Holding on to a counter, bend over at the waist, bend the knee of your operative leg to 90 degrees. Abduct your leg away from your body. Do this slowly 5-20 times, as tolerated three times daily.
Post-Op Day 3
Start riding a recumbent bike for 20-30 minutes, as tolerated every other day. You may start walking on even ground, beginning with 15 minutes and increase the amount of time, as tolerated.
Post-Op Appointment
Your post-op appointment for staple removal will need to be 12-16 days after surgery.
Please call (205) 783-5900 make that appointment.
Returning to Work
You should be able to resume desk work and light activity in 3-7 days, and more strenuous activity at work in 2-3 weeks.
Our Team has developed this treatment guide in order for you to have a quick reference for your care and recovery.
We have made a very simple protocol to enable an easy recovery. It is my pleasure to be able to diagnose and treat my patients, and we will do whatever is necessary to assist you with your recovery and satisfaction.