Shoulder Success Stories

Dr. Kenneth Bramlett performs a reverse shoulder on his 80 year old patient. As shown in the video, this patient has excellent mobility due partly in fact to the “prehabilitation” process we advocate. The patient took the proper steps pre-op, and now that she is rehabilitated is well on her way to a fact and effective recovery.
Dr. Kenneth Bramlett, Orthopedic Specialist of Birmingham, Alabama performs knee replacements on both of this patients knees within the course of a year. A few years post op, the patient claims that having her knees replaced is “the best thing I’ve ever done” and can now do things she never dreamed she could do.
Dr. Kenneth Bramlett of Birmingham, Alabama performs a shoulder replacement on a man in his 50’s after 20 years of pain and irritation. The man felt immediate relief, went home the same day, and was back working as a police dispatcher 3 days later.
Dr. Kenneth Bramlett of Birmingham, Alabama performs rotator cuff surgery. While still laying in the recovery bed, the patient says his pain level is “0”.
Dr. Kenneth Bramlett of Birmingham, Alabama performs shoulder surgery on a 66 year old pipe welder that says his pain level was a at “10 out of 10” prior to his surgery.
Dr. Kenneth Bramlett performs a minimally invasive rotator cuff repair on a 57 year old female with Grade 2 with Biceps Tendon Repair 17 days post-op & back to Normal!

We are here to help. If you are suffering from shoulder pain, we would love to deliver a diagnosis, get you treated and get you moving again.

If you are interested in learning more about the shoulder conditions Dr. Bramlett treats, click below to visit the shoulder conditions library.

Case of the Week - Unicondylar Knee ReplacementDr. Bramlett explains the details of a Partial Knee Replacement

This procedure involves replacing a single compartment of the knee with a custom cobalt chrome implant. This allows for an easier recovery and simpler surgery by comparison to a full knee replacement.